Faced with the massive and Records of Employment Regulation (ERE) layoffs, redeployment or outplacement programs back to the fore. We explain what they are, how much they cost and labor efficiency.
Outplacement programs can be performed in a group or individually, but always supervised by trainers.
No day workforce restructuring bleeding in the labor market which can reduce flow, as a tourniquet, programs or outplacement any news about closures not appear, ERE and.

Czech Peter, CEO of Uni-consult, consultant who offers this service for over 10 confirms the growing interest in the outplacement ( “especially for companies that previously not so raised and now see it as an alternative”) and highlights one of its advantages: “the image of the company suffers less and help more social recognition.”
Who should. A companies undergoing downsizing, ERE … Plans can be individual and in groups. In practice, the cost of this service limited to large and medium companies, “although they can also apply for professionals and managers who wish to reorient their careers , ” said Checa.

How they work. Once contracted this service, trainers interview candidates, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, determine their skills and competencies and set a strategy and training to reorient their careers. They are also focused on creating businesses. “About 14% of the professionals who come into our classrooms Monsanto just a business , ” says Checa.
For the CEO of Uniconsult, outplacement programs closely resemble a marketing plan. “We have a team that makes the business side of the candidate. So after training and guidance, we analyze the possibilities of the labor market, companies that can access and establish strategies to make visible this professional, “he says. The classes are attendance and require the candidate commitment, collaboration and pro activity.

Effectiveness Program Plans outplacement like Uni-consult reoriented the candidate not only in the labor market, but operate as employment agencies: nine out of 10 professionals get one after a year. “We put all our tools at the service of job search , ” he says.
How much they cost. Rates vary according to the profile of the professional to re position and duration of the programs (see table). “It is higher in cases of managers and lower in less skilled profiles. It all depends on the resources, tools and time they are needed , “adds the CEO of Uni-consult.

Training, step by step
Study and analysis of professional profile, attitudes, motivations and professional personality. It includes analysis of strengths and weaknesses and emotional factor (motivation / self – esteem). A strategy is defined and a program tailored to the needs of each professional is made.

Training , retraining focused.
Identification employment niche. Preparing interview, resume …
The cost to the company is …
- Managers of middle management: 6 to 12 months, between 7,000 and 12,000 €.
- Technical and administrative staff: 3 to 6 months, between 4,000 and 6,000 €.
- Workers in the industrial area: 6 to 12 months, between 3,500 and 4,500 €.
Visit http://phase-2.org/ for more reviews.