The Internet has radically changed the way companies can find and communicate with their customers. To do this earlier, companies were forced to spend large sums to advertise through traditional media, such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, and leaflets, since these were virtually the only ways for anyone to find out about the A product or service.
However, people today are exposed to much more media options, products and information channels, and at the same time are increasingly efficient at ignoring intrusive or irrelevant advertisements. In addition, when they want to buy something, consumers have relied on the Internet as a way to help them make decisions, seeking more information about the product or company, comparing prices, consulting other users’ opinions and accepting recommendations from friends on social networks.

This has meant that any advertisement is only really effective when it generates real value to its audience, being relevant, accurate, and permission-based. Digital Marketing has some characteristics that help in this task, allowing us to have a high return on the investment of time and money in Internet communication.

The Digital Marketing:
- It is measurable: We were able to measure in detail the results of each campaign and know what works and what does not, and then continue to invest in things that give better returns;
- It target-able: We promote actions with a much greater focus, so communicate and interact only with the public who are interested in what we have to offer;
- Allows free attraction: Whether through organic search on Google or virally via email and social networks, you can attract potential customers for free and increasingly for your site;
- Allows the construction of an audience: Through relevant content production, Digital Marketing enables the construction of a base (eg registered mail, blog subscribers, Twitter followers, etc.) that over time becomes an asset Fundamental marketing for the company;
- It has great value for money: The combination of the four above features makes the Digital Marketing allows them to achieve good results even from low investments. Combining the proper application of resources with clever ideas and help good tools, investment in the Internet has a lot more return compared to traditional media .
Image Source : Google Image
For all these characteristics, several companies have experienced excellent results and, consequently, have invested more and more in Digital Marketing. In Brazil, investment in this medium grows to more than 30% annually ( source: IAB ).
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), these benefits of Digital Marketing are even more evident , since in general they have few resources to promote their products and services. The Internet is the medium where good ideas (simple and objective) and good execution have much more value than money. However, many entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of marketing still do not take advantage of this potential, either because they are unaware of the techniques and tools or even because they are afraid of the complexity of the medium.

Because of this, our goal here is to demystify the Digital Marketing, showing how it can be Simple, Affordable and Effective . We will create and share contents with concepts, tips and practices for efficient use of the Internet as a channel of communication and promotion of your company and product. In addition, over time, we will also develop tools that will help in some of the main tasks of Digital Marketing that we will discuss here in the blog.

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