You feel guilty for taking time out to take care of yourself the busier you get. Prioritising your mental and physical health is more important than spending an extra hour in front of Netflix or at your desk, even if it is tempting when you are tired.
If you can, do your workout earlier in the day.
Standing in a powerful pose is a great way to boost your motivation. Try it for a few minutes as you close down your computer for the day. Stand tall, with your chest raised, and your hands on your hips, or in a V above your head. This position increases testosterone, which boosts energy and motivation.
You can put it in your calendar or work diary as a guideline. According to research, scheduling your workouts this way encourages you to exercise more. For Personal Training Cheltenham, visit
It may help to consider your workout part of your daily routine rather than as a session. Can you include walking, running or stretching in your daily routine? It’s important to be consistent in your movements.
You can also park your car near the office or get off your train two stops earlier. If you have to go from A to B, make the most of it. Scientists say that those who squeeze some exercise into their daily commute may reap significant health benefits.
Take small steps
The first step is your biggest obstacle. Once you take that first step, it is much easier to encourage yourself to do more. You can walk to the shops if you put on your trainers. Why not walk around your block? Easy? You can try increasing your pace.
It’s easier to get back into something you liked before if you already have it. It can be used to fuel motivation.