What Are Trace Elements?

What Are Trace Elements

Many times we have heard of the trace elements and the importance for our body, but really, really know what they are ? Iron, zinc and potassium are some of the best known, but there are many more.

The trace elements are are a chemicals present in very small amounts in living things . His name is given because the amount required of each of them is less than 100 mg. Yes, its importance is vital for the body and nourish our immune system and, therefore, are necessary for the proper functioning of cells. Many processes taking place within the organism depend on these chemicals. These bio elements deficiency can cause the immune system to malfunction. Similarly, a higher concentration recommended levels can severely damage the body, to the point to be hepatotoxic , e.g. harmful to the liver.

What Are Trace Elements
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A varied, rich and healthy diet ensures the recommended amounts of these trace elements in our body, helping to maintain a strong immune system, which in turn is essential to prevent disease and our cells do not age prematurely.

immune system

Let’s see what are the main trace elements, in which foods are and how we can help:

Iron : it is essential for the lungs to capture and transport the necessary oxygen to all cells. It is found mainly in fish, liver, meat, spinach, parsley, mussels, soy nuts and bread. The lack of this trace element causes anemia, resulting in fatigue.

Copper : This trace element stimulates the immune system. It is found in green vegetables, legumes, fish, shellfish and liver.

Iodine: is an essential chemical element, as part of thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones, which are involved in growth. It is found in fish, seafood, cereals, eggs, milk, onion, fruits such as oranges and pineapple, green leafy vegetables and nuts.

What Are Trace Elements
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Chromium: Increases the effect of insulin and facilitates the entry of glucose into cells. It is present in lean meats, watercress, vegetables, olives, liver and citrus.

Selenium : It is a powerful antioxidant, it ensures the proper functioning of muscles, a recognized protector of the cardiovascular system and helps prevent cataracts. It can be found in poultry, beef and pork in lemon, onion, mushrooms, vegetables, whole grains and brewer’s yeast.

Manganese: Your presence is needed for bones and is very important in reproduction. Foods like whole grain bread, vegetables, meat, milk and dairy products, nuts and shellfish are rich in this element.

Zinc: is an essential chemical element for people, as it participates in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids, it helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, it helps heal wounds, promotes the formation of sperm, stimulates action around 100 enzymes and is involved in the senses of taste and smell, among other functions. It is found in milk, brown bread, beef and pork, vegetables, fish, oysters, duck liver, nuts and green leafy vegetables.

Fluorine: this trace element concentrates in bones and teeth giving them greater resistance, thereby preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis, caries and plays an important role in growth. It is found in fish, seafood, vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, onions and tea.

What Are Trace Elements
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Cobalt: it is the fundamental “ingredient” of vitamin B12. For this reason, it helps reduce blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. It is found in legumes, whole grains, oysters, rice, garlic, onion and sesame.

Lithium: plays an important role in the nervous system and prevents the occurrence of heart problems. Whole grains, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, raspberries and bean sprouts are the main suppliers of lithium.

Nickel: Power growth and helps fight infectious diseases and anemia’s. It is found in brewer’s yeast, brown rice, legumes and shellfish.

Silicon: Improves bone strength, balance the nervous system, slows aging and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It is present in brewer’s yeast, whole grains, corn, squash and watermelon.

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