How To Surprise Your Customers With Gift Vouchers

We are currently in a very demanding competitive environment in most sectors. It is difficult to get the so-called “WOW” effect or surprise when a company manages to exceed a customer’s expectations of a product or service.

This moment of surprise is the first step to loyalty to this customer and to be able to establish a long lasting relationship profitable for the company where it has been possible to increase the recurrence of purchase by the customer.

How To Surprise Your Customers With Gift VouchersThe gift vouchers can be a good supplement to try to surprise potential clients through a marketing campaign, or as attractive loyalty strategies through:

  • Cross-selling campaigns.
  • Sending email marketing rewarding the most loyal customers.
  • Strategies to surprise your customers with gift vouchers

As we will see in the following techniques, one of the keys is the use of different possible channels:

Reward the fan of the week on social networks: This is very simple to do for example on Facebook. There is a free application called “fan of the week” that allows to automatically reward the user who has participated in social networks. This is always a surprise for the user himself if he receives a direct gift from the company. That will also encourage these users to feel more linked to the brand and continue to broadcast content on this channel.

Reward loyal users in email communications: If the company in question is carrying out an email marketing strategy, and is doing so with good software like mailchimp or similar, these programs use a rating system to punctuate and determine which users are the ones who open more emails. By obtaining this information, these users can be filtered and rewarded with gift vouchers, such as flights or a free hotel night. Here we get the same effect, a greater linkage of these users with the brand.


Use remarketing techniques for recently purchased users: Remarketing techniques are those that allow you to show ads from a webpage on other pages, usually associated with the google advertising program. It summarizes the following scheme:

 This remarketing technique can be enabled for users who did purchase. The strategy would be to offer, through remarketing advertising, a different incentive offer with gift vouchers. This is one way; the other would be to offer a gift bonus for those who did not finish their purchase to try to end the transaction they started on the company’s website. In both cases, it usually comes out profitable. The explanation is that this type of advertising is charged at CPC (cost per click), so a 2nd click of a user who already knew the company in question, usually occurs when there is a real intention to buy.

Promote the recommendation: Many companies are active in their WOM (“Word of Mouth”) plan to encourage the direct recommendation of a user with their acquaintances. This can be done with a discount on the invoice, a future discount or a gift voucher that is of value by the customer. If this incentive is generous it often causes some clients to take the trouble to act as “casual commercials” for the cause.

As you can see, there are many ways to use gift vouchers to surprise your customers in a way that is favorable to your business. You just have to have some imagination and rely on a good marketing strategy.

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