In the quest for privacy related to phone data, heated debates on the matter have ensued. Laws have been signed and platforms like android, BlackBerry, Microsoft and iOs have been working tirelessly to enforce this. However, their efforts are not enough and for this reason, the emergence of third party apps solves this matter considerably. The trick is to know which applications to download as there are many developers out there with fishy motives.

When it comes to privacy, there are thousands of applications available in the various app markets for the users sampling. As with everything else, there are those that are a cut above the rest like Leo Privacy Guard which commands over 50 million following across the globe.
It has been rated highly by millions of users as the developers i.e. Leomaster have been working tirelessly to make it the top app when it comes to privacy. So what exactly does it protect on your phone?
Gone are the days when you needed to lag a camera or camcorder to take photos or make videos. Modern smartphones are equipped with top of the range cameras that entice you to snap away every moment you want to archive. For this reason, it is common to find a phone holding hundreds of photos of both personal and business nature.
Snapping away documents is also the norm as it is a convenient and fast way of getting copies and sharing them. The same applies to state of the art videos that can be taken with your phone and edited later. Although this method of creating memories works perfectly, it comes with technicalities that you can easily overlook which might cost you later.
This happens in the event these photos or videos fall into the wrong hands, which is possible if they get a hold of your phone. All they need is a few minutes with your phone which isn’t so hard to pull off. Lock screens can be by passed especially through constant observation where someone learns your password. What you need is something more complex that can lock such important photos and videos.
Smartphones have become the go to option when it comes to communicating on the go. As such, there are applications to perform such functions like Skype, WhatsApp, emails apps for every email account you have with push notifications to update you when not on your computer. Documents and other sensitive files are shared on these platforms making sure that business goes on as usual anytime regardless of your geographical location.
Vital information received via some of these apps can be compromised easily more so since you cannot log in and out like you do on the computer. This has made it possible for anyone who gets a hold of your phone to access such material. Locking up your email accounts which when set up cannot be logged out is paramount. Installing an application like Leo Privacy Safeguard is the best course of action to lock up such apps that have privacy issues.