The modern consumer absorbs information from a variety of sources at speed and forms opinions and associations about brands based on a number of factors, including their reputation, visibility and engagement.
For many consumers, their first interaction with a business will be in a digital environment, either stumbling across an online advert or engaging with social media content. The way in which brands differentiate themselves from their competition in this environment is by their profile picture – which is usually their brand’s logo.
What is a logo?
A logo is a visual design consisting of colours, words and images that together represent your company’s public image A logo can be used in a wide range of mediums, from online profile pictures to your website, business cards, invoices and even your uniform.
Birmingham design agencies such as Nettl specialise in creating powerful and persuasive marketing material to set businesses like yours apart from the competition. One way in which they achieve this is by designing a logo that will be used in all customer interactions, from advertising to invoicing, and every step in between.
Why have a logo as your profile picture
Having a logo as your profile picture enhances your brand’s professional appearance, builds brand familiarity and ensures consistency in online engagements. When your brand has a logo that it uses in all of its customer interactions, it builds trust and transparency and is critical to securing your position in the marketplace.
What businesses should have a logo
All businesses should have a logo. A logo is unique, meaning that even businesses that share a name can differentiate themselves from each other and protect themselves against spurious intellectual property lawsuits. A logo can communicate a brand’s values and using it consistently in all marketing material quickly builds familiarity, which is reassuring to consumers.
In conclusion
There is no business in existence today that wouldn’t benefit from having a logo. Whether you are a sole trader running a home business or heading up a multi-million pound global corporation, your logo can be the difference between success and failure.