Whether you have had holidays in July, as if you are enjoying in August or you have to wait to have them arrive the next few months, sure you will agree with me that what you most like would you extend them to the maximum and your feeling last more time is nothing better than tropical decor.
The tropical style is a decorative trend gaining adherents in interior in summer: colorful exuberance and unite to create cheerful, refreshing and paradisaical environments. In particular, this series of wallpapers that we found in the shop is perfect to bring to our home this cool decorative style.

The idea is to breathe life into the walls with light – hearted designs that simulate environments full of wild plants and vegetation. The wallpaper collection Reality has several floral designs, inspired by nature, ideal for a tropical decor in the purest style: Bamboo, paniculata, Tropical Flowers and Ivy; which you can see in the photos of this article.
The tropical style is closely linked to shades of green and brown, but can also contrast decor with bright colors like red, yellow or purple. In the first picture of this article we design particulate tropical flowers and then, on these lines Ivy and Bamboo beneath them.
We can complete the decoration with natural plants, especially with lush plants with large leaves, in large vases. The trick is to combine plants of different species and different sizes to create a contrasting atmosphere and make our living in a jungle. Hanging plants also give much play to the tropical decor: vines and pots in the air create a real sense of plant abundance.
Personally my of the four models that I like is Ivy, I think that within the style is one of the most elegant and also for me, the most realistic. And you, what design you stay? For more visit http://diffone.com/