Sometimes no more train get better results. we have spoken on several occasions on this issue, it is that many of the exercises we usually include routines not serve to almost nothing, indeed, can endanger our health. So in this post we highlight some of the most common exercises that will come to naught , and which can replace them .
Often these exercises the tradition we usually use, because we have always been present and once we learned it is difficult to perform and let them remove them from the training routine. But for this we want to give other alternatives that are equally valid and even more effective than current work when our body.

Waist Twists
First we will stop in an exercise that many people do to work your waist and abs with the firm conviction that it is effective to burn fat located in this part of the body. This is the twists waist , an exercise for which we perform twisting of the trunk, a real risk to the column, as this area is equipped with little mobility, which can overload the discs between vertebrae and cause injury.

To replace this exercise and burn belly fat really the key is to adapt the diet and avoid excessive intake of calories and fat, and aerobic exercise. But to strengthen the area is highly recommended that isometric side plates. This exercise simply concentrate all the tension on the side of the waist, avoiding to do us harm in the lower back.

Extensions quadriceps
Another exercise that can banish routine are extensions machine quadriceps . It is true that this exercise affects this muscle, but the layout of the machine tend to overload the lumbar part and also much of the exercise stress falls on the ankles, which are what give the first push of the exercise. Therefore we can replace traditional sit – ups or squats alternative that will help us strengthen legs entirely.

Funds Pectoral Machine
The funds pectoral in parallel is usually another exercise that usually include routines and that can be dangerous, because when we perform imply shoulders that can be overloaded and even injury. To this must be added the instability of exercise when carrying them out, which may further increase the risk.

As an alternative to this exercise we can make funds or pectoral dominated on the floor raising arms and affecting the lower chest. Replace this exercise by any other triceps or chest is a much more accurate alternative to do it, because the risk is very high in this case.

It is true that there are many other exercises that are a risk to our body and can be more dangerous than beneficial, so we invite you to us highlights who believe that can be a risk and that we must eliminate and routine training. Visit for more reviews.