Hard Disks of Network: Creating our Private Cloud

Hard disks of network: Creating our private cloud

With the advent of the Private Cloud as a storage system for our archives, new functionalities of network hard drives arrive, ideal for those who need to store information in their own disk drive, without additional costs and available from anywhere in the world through of the computer, Smartphone or Tablet.

Backing up our files as photographs, videos and documents have become a habit or requirement, especially when it comes to working. There are still those who resort to devices such as pen drives, external hard drives or even backups in the email, in order not to lose important things and not saturate the space of the computer or notebook.

Others more connected with new technologies, do so through a myriad of companies (such as Apple or Google) that offer a free space in the private Cloud -hard virtual discs-, the whose added value is to access backups from anywhere in the world. Through the internet. However, one of its major limitations is the storage space that at some point does not cover the needs of the user and increasing it means assuming monthly costs. Faced with this, the use of network hard disks is an alternative, which, despite not being a new technology, is currently implementing new functions that are growing at the same time as the needs of users, becoming an effective tool for work. will allow you to create your own private cloud,

Network storage devicesHard disks of network: Creating our private cloud

Network hard drives are those devices that have an Ethernet connection (by network cable), which allows you to connect directly to your router. Through it, any notebook or PC that is connected to the same Internet network can access the hard drive, save and share files of all kinds without leaving the desktop. These devices have been on the market for quite some time, but the novelty lies in the new functions available, which make them an ideal tool for all those Cloud lovers. One of them is the possibility of connecting to the hard drive from the outside, through the internet, increasing the storage space when necessary and managing your files through a platform and/or applications of absolutely friendly use.

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Albums that live in the private Cloud

One of the peculiarities of the new network discs available in the market is the opportunity to create our own Cloud, without delegating control to third parties. This use is the solution, for example, for those who work on the same document from different places. Everyone can have direct access to it (locally or remotely) and immediately access any changes made. In parallel, this access can not only be achieved through the computer. Through applications for iOs and Android, we can review, upload and download files or even play multimedia content stored on the network hard drive, from anywhere in the world, through our Smartphone or Tablet.

Another of the features that stand out as winners against virtual hard drives is the possibility of expanding its storage capacity through USB ports that are available. We only connect an additional external hard drive and that’s it. We will have a greater capacity to support our files.

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File management your wayHard disks of network: Creating our private cloud

As if it were a folder on your computer, last generation network hard drives allow the user to manage all the content in a personalized way. Most of these devices allow you to create users with access or restrictions to certain content, create, delete and personalize the name of folders and at the same time create backup copies that support all the important information. Among the best-known manufacturers of this type of discs we come across Western Digital, Iomega, D-Link, with devices that go with a capacity from 2TB (terabytes) and with prices that border the one hundred thousand, most of them compatible with Windows, MacOs, and Linux.

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Benefits of Hard Disks in Network:

  • Shared storage: You can save and organize all your files in one place.
  • Access from anywhere in the world: You can check your files from anywhere.
  • Compatible with Smartphone’s and tablets: You can access your files through applications.
  • Storage without limits: You can increase the storage space only by connecting an additional external hard drive, through its USB port.
  • Safe data: Being a physical hard drive, the storage of your files is not controlled by third parties.
  • Account management: You can create users with passwords to restrict the entry to folders.
  • Storage from mobile devices: Through applications for smartphones or tablets you can upload content from them to your hard drive.

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