Everything you need to know about starting a food blog

Eating is essential for life, but it is also one of life’s greatest pleasures and the internet has supplied a platform for one of its greatest success stories – the food blog. Accompanied by photographs that make the mouth water, food blogs are a wonderful way for cooks of all kinds to gather a loyal readership.

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Building blocks

To begin, create a free blog using wordpress.com or blogger.com. Then select a title for your blog, which should be related to what you are trying to communicate, and easy to pronounce and remember. When you have a chosen a domain name, or web address, you must register and purchase it, so no one else can. Keep the design clean and easy to navigate, and make sure it is easy to read. An “About Me” section is usually helpful, as potential subscribers usually want to know more about the person whose culinary skills they are reading about.

What to feature

It may take some time – even years – for many people to notice your efforts, but that is fine because it gives you time to create your own style and voice. The best food blogs are easily identifiable by their tone and the way they are presented, so aim for a blog that is unmistakably yours. Experiment with different ways of posting and presenting photographs to find your voice.

Good photography is often essential to making an impact, as readers want to see the end result. It could be worth some study to improve your skills. If you take online food recipes from another author, it is usually considered polite and ethical to attribute them. For original recipes, linking to the source can also be interesting for your readers. Recipes are a powerful part of most food blogs, and it has even been claimed that the internet is really a giant platform for recipe swapping, according to this report in The Guardian.

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If you want to get ideas from a large range of online food recipes, take a look at a website such as http://food-tales.com/online-food-recipes/ which features lots of dishes, tips and inspiration.

Above all, have fun with your food blog. If you enjoy creating it, then readers will enjoy reading it and the popularity and influence of your blog will increase.

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